Here is the list of the publications I have done, divided by the type of publication:
- Publications in international reviews:
1) Barriendos, M., D. Coeur, M. Lang, M.C. Llasat, R. Naulet, F. Lemaitre & A. Barrera (2003): “Stationarity analysis of historical flood in France and Spain (14th-20th centuries)”. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 3, pp. 583-592. PDF
2) M.C. Llasat, M. Barriendos, A. Barrera & T. Rigo (2005): “Floods in Catalonia (NE Spain) since the 14th Century. Climatological and meteorological aspects from historical documentary sources and old instrumental records”. Journal of Hydrology, 313, pp. 32-47. PDF
3) Barrera, A., M. Barriendos & M.C. Llasat (2005): “Extreme flash floods in Barcelona County”. Advances in Geosciencies, 2, pp. 111-116. PDF
4) Llasat, M.C., T. Rigo, M. Ceperuelo & A. Barrera (2005): “Estimation of convective precipitation: The meteorological radar versus an automatic rain gauge network”. Advances in Geosciencies, 2, pp 103-109. PDF
5) Altava-Ortiz, V., A. Barrera, M.C. Llasat, M.A. Prat, J. Gibergans-Báguena & M. Barnolas (2006): “Application of the MM5 and the analogous method to heavy rainfall events. The case of 16-18th October 2003 in Catalonia (NE Spain)”. Advances in Geosciencies, 7, pp. 313-319. PDF
6) Barrera, A., M.C. Llasat & M. Barriendos (2006): “Estimation of the extreme flash flood evolution in Barcelona County from 1351 to 2005”. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 6, pp. 505-518. PDF
7) Llasat, M.C., F. Martín & A. Barrera (2007): “From the concept of ‘kaltluftropfen’ (cold air pool) to the cut-off low. The case of September 1971 in Spain as an example of their role in heavy rainfalls”. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 96, pp. 43-60.
8) Barrera, A., V. Altava-Ortiz, M.C. Llasat & M. Barnolas (2007): “Heavy rain prediction using deterministic and probabilistic models. The flash flood cases of 11-13th October 2005 in Catalonia (NE Spain)”. Advances in Geosciences, 12, pp. 121-126. PDF
9) Barrera-Escoda, A. & J. Cunillera (2010): “Study of the precipitation evolution in Catalonia using a mesoscale model (1971–2000)”, Advances in Geosciences., 26, pp. 1-6. PDF
- Publications in Spanish reviews:
1) Barrera, A. & M.C. Llasat (2004): “Evolución regional de la precipitación en España en los últimos 100 años”. Ingeniería Civil, 135, pp. 105-113.
2) Barrera, A. & M.C. Llasat (2005): “Nota sobre la evaluación de la situación de sequía en España (septiembre de 2004 – mayo de 2005)”. Revista del Aficionado a la Meteorología, 33, Septiembre 2005. (Available within Internet:
3) Barrera, A., M.A. Prat & M.C. Llasat (2005): “Utilización del modelo MM5 para el estudio del episodio de fuertes lluvias y viento de octubre de 2003 en la zona del Empordà (NE Cataluña)”. Revista del Aficionado a la Meteorología, 36, Diciembre 2005. (Available within Internet:
- Proceedings:
1) Barrera, A., M. Barriendos, M.C. Llasat & T. Rigo (2002): “Bases de datos diarios de presión a partir de registros meteorológicos antiguos. Primera aplicación a casos de inundaciones catastróficas en el litoral mediterráneo español”. In Cuadrat, J.M., S.M. Vicente & M.A Saz (eds.): VII Reunión Nacional de Climatología: La información climática como herramienta de gestión ambiental. Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, pp. 73-81.
2) Barrera, A., Barriendos, M., Llasat, M.C. & Rigo, T. (2003): “Classification of weather types for strong rainfalls producing flood events during the end of the Little Ice Age (AD 1840-1870) in Catalonia. First approach from meteorological old instrumental records” in Thorndycraft, V.R., G. Benito, M. Barriendos & M.C. Llasat (eds.): Palaeofloods, Historical Floods & Climatic Variability: Applications in Flood Risk Assessment (Proceedings of the PHEFRA Workshop, Barcelona, Spain, 16-19th October, 2002), CSIC, Madrid, pp. 281-287.
3) Barriendos, M., M.C. Llasat, A. Barrera & T. Rigo (2003): “The study of flood events from documentary sources. Methodological guidelines for historical sources identification and flood characterization in the Iberian peninsula”. In Thorndycraft, V.R., G. Benito, M. Barriendos & M.C. Llasat (eds.): Palaeofloods, Historical Floods & Climatic Variability: Applications in Flood Risk Assessment (Proceedings of the PHEFRA Workshop, Barcelona, Spain, 16-19th October, 2002), CSIC, Madrid, pp. 87-92.
4) Llasat, M.C., M. Barriendos, A. Barrera & T. Rigo (2003): “Climatological analysis of flood frequency in Ter, Llobregat and Segre basins from 14th to 20th centuries”. In Thorndycraft, V.R., G. Benito, M. Barriendos & M.C. Llasat (eds.): Palaeofloods, Historical Floods & Climatic Variability: Applications in Flood Risk Assessment (Proceedings of the PHEFRA Workshop, Barcelona, Spain, 16-19th October, 2002), CSIC, Madrid, pp. 275-280.
5) Rigo, T., M.C. Llasat, M. Barriendos & A. Barrera (2003): “Flood events in the Llobregat basin: A comparison between the flash flood event of june 2000 and those events that have occurred since the 14th century”. In Thorndycraft, V.R., G. Benito, M. Barriendos & M.C. Llasat (eds.): Palaeofloods, Historical Floods & Climatic Variability: Applications in Flood Risk Assessment (Proceedings of the PHEFRA Workshop, Barcelona, Spain, 16-19th October, 2002), CSIC, Madrid, pp. 288-294.
6) Barrera, A., M.C. Llasat, M. Barriendos & T. Rigo (2004): “Meteorological analysis of flood events in Mediterranean area: From early instrumental data until today”. Proceedings of the 5th EGU Plinus Conference on Mediterranean Stroms, Ajaccio, France (1-3 october 2003), pp. 211-217.
7)Altava-Ortiz, V., A. Barrera, M.C. Llasat & M.A. Prat (2007): “Comparison between probabilistic and deterministic models to analyse flash floods events recorded in Catalonia, 2000-2005”. A Ferrari, E. i P. Versace (eds.): Observing and modelling exceptional floods and rainfalls. (Proceedings of the 1st AMHY-FRIEND International Workshop on Hydrological Extremes, Cosenza, Italy, 3-4 May, 2006), University of Calabria, pp. 11-24.
8) Llasat, M.C., A. Barrera & V. Altava-Ortiz (2007): “Floods evolution in a Climate Change framework: a Mediterranean analysis”. En Heinonen, M. (ed.): Climate and water (Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Climate and Water, Helsinki, Finland, 3-6 September, 2007), SYKE-Finnish Environtment Institute, pp. 302-307.
- Book chapters:
1) Llasat, M.C., A. Barrera & M. Barriendos (2004): “Analysis of climatic conditions associated to historical floods”. In Benito, G. & V.R. Thorndycraft (eds.): Systematic, Palaeoflood and Historical Data for the Improvement of Flood Risk Estimation: Methodological guidelines. Methodological guide of the SPHERE project. CSIC, Madrid, pp. 85-93.
2) Benito, G., V.R. Thorndycraft, A. Bardossy, M. Barriendos, D. Coeur, Y. Enzel, J.F. Fernández Bono, F. Francés, M. Lang, M.C. Llasat, T.B.M.J. Ouarda, A. Barrera, A. Botero, A. Casas Planes, P. Davoine, F. Filiz, P. Grau-Gimeno, M. Rico, N. Sheffer, Y. Sánchez-Moya & A. Sopeña (2004): “Conclusions of the SPHERE project and flood policy implications”. In Benito, G. & V.R. Thorndycraft (eds.): Systematic, Palaeoflood and Historical Data for the Improvement of Flood Risk Estimation: Methodological guidelines. Methodological guide of the SPHERE project. CSIC, Madrid, pp. 109-112.
3) Llasat, M.C., M. Barriendos & A. Barrera (2006): “The use of historical information in flood risk assessment. Application to Catalonia (NE Spain): 14th-20th centuries)”. In Armiero, M. (ed.): Workshop Views from the South. Environmental stories from the Mediterranen World (19th-20th centuries), CNR-ISSM, Naples, Italy, pp. 95-110.
4) Llasat, M.C., J. Martín-Vide, J.A. López-Bustins & A. Barrera (2009): “Constatacions de caràcter meteorològic a Catalunya”. In Prat, N. and A. Manzano (eds.): Aigua i canvi climàtic. Diagnosi dels impactes previstos a Catalunya. Agència Catalana de l'Aigua, Departament de Medi Ambient i Habitatge, Generalitat de Catalunya, Barcelona, pp 29-41. (Available within the Internet: